Le attività dello SPOKE sono organizzate in 7 work package di lavoro (WP), ciascuno composto da una serie di Task finalizzati al raggiungimento degli obiettivi generali dello SPOKE e del progetto VITALITY.

WP1 – Context: indoor and outdoor at the center of the digital and green transition of living environments

Gruppo di lavoro: D’Onfrio Rosalba*, Marchesani Graziano Enzo, Pierantoni Ilenia, Ruggiero Roberto,Cipolletti Sara, Ottone Maria Federica, Cocci Grifoni Roberta, Coccia Luigi, Grappasonni Iolanda, Sargolini Massimo, Losco Giuseppe

1.1Classification and evaluation of “minimum urban units”
1.2State of the art on adaptive technical-spatial solutions for indoor and outdoor spaces
1.3Optimal scenarios of the indoor-outdoor context
1.4Well-being conditions between indoor and outdoor spaces
1.5Indoor-outdoor performing interface

WP2 – Integrated structural monitoring and simulations for advancing building safety and resilience

Gruppo di lavoro: Zona Alessandro*, Dall’Asta Andrea, Leggieri Valeria, Morici Michele

2.1Handling natural hazards for structural design and assessment
2.2Handling man-made hazards for structural design and assessment
2.3Advanced modelling for structural design and assessment
2.4Permanent structural monitoring for data-informed assessment
2.5Handbook to support designers in advancing safety and resilience of buildings

WP 3 – Sustainable design of smart furniture system with life-saving function in conditions of emergency for community settings

Gruppo di lavoro: Pietroni Lucia*, Gioiella Laura, Galloppo Daniele, Mascitti Jacopo, Zona Alessandro, Vannicola Carlo, Rossi Daniele, Oppedisano Federico

3.1Definition of technical and performance requirements of the products
3.2Design development
3.3Prototyping of the furniture and testing of the digital tool
3.4Evaluation and verification of the life-saving furniture through experimental tests and design optimization
3.5Design and development of communication tools for the dissemination and knowledge of the project results

WP4 – Digital Infrastructure and Services for the Digital Transition

Gruppo di lavoro: Re Barbara*, De Leone Renato, Loreti Michele, Merelli Emanuela, Piangerelli Marco, Quadrini Michela, Mostarda Leonardo, Rossi Lorenzo

4.1State of the Art Review on IoT platforms, Machine Learning and Blockchain solutions
4.2Definition of a Digital Infrastructure
4.3Definition of Digital Services
4.4Design and Development of application services
4.5Definition of guidelines aimed at encouraging the digital transition

WP5 – Valorization of typical regional food for the improvement of health and well-being of consumers through an innovative nutraceutical and nutrigenomic approach

Gruppo di lavoro: Vittori Sauro*, Caprioli Giovanni, Maggi Filippo, Mannozzi Cinzia, Silvi Stefania, Vici Giorgia, Fiorini Dennis, Sagratini Gianni, Gabbianelli Rosita, Grappasonni Iolanda, Polzonetti Valeria

5.1Characterization of macro- and micronutrients, bioactive compounds and flavors, in selected typical food and aromatic plants of Marche Region
5.2Evaluation of the ability to induce well-being and health by food and plant extracts and their constituents
5.3Recovery of valuable compounds from food by-products
5.4Development of nutraceuticals and functional foods
5.5Evaluation of nutrigenomic properties of selected compounds
5.6Personalized strategies for a healthy diet and increase of citizen’s awareness

WP6 – Training and Educational Activities

Gruppo di lavoro: Polini Andrea*, Ruggeri Lucia, Fabbri Ilenia, Morici Michele, Mascitti Jacopo

6.1Training for the green and digital transition for indoor-outdoor spaces
6.2Education, learning and communication of earthquake safety practices
6.3High Formation on Eco-design
6.4Training Activities on Digital Systems and Digital Services
6.5Industrial PhD

WP7 – Communication, Dissemination and Technology Transfer

Gruppo di lavoro: Corradini Flavio*, Torregiani Elisabetta, Cipolletti Sara, Coccigrifoni Roberta, Rossi Daniele, Callisto De Donato Massimo

7.1Dissemination on digital and green transition of living environments
7.2Dissemination of solutions for advancing safety and resilience of buildings
7.3Dissemination of solutions for sustainable design of smart furniture system including augmented reality, and immersive environments
7.4Dissemination on digital Infrastructure and Services for the Digital Transition
7.5Assisting securing funding for spin-off and start-up creation and development

*Work Package leader
