RESEARCH IN SAAD  — 1st seminar: research projects and proposals on competitive tenders.

A first two-day seminar to share and open discussions on recent and ongoing projects by SAAD researchers, with the aim of taking a picture of the state of the Art of research financed with competitive tenders ( European, National, Regional) and to produce, and periodically update, a mapping of typologies, themes and lines of research.

By the SAAD Research Delegates

Andrea Dall’Asta
Rosalba D’Onofrio
Lucia Pietroni

A track of the event will be dedicated to the VITALITY project.  Innovation, digitalization and sustainability for the diffused economy in Central Italy, SPOKE 6: Innovation and safeness in living environments in the digital and green transition era. PNRR Innovation Ecosystems – July 2022/ June 2025

WP1: Context: indoor and outdoor at the center of the digital and green transition of living environments

Rosalba D’Onofrio, Massimo Sargolini, Roberta Cocci Grifoni, Giuseppe Losco, Luigi Coccia, Roberto Ruggiero, Sara Cipolletti, Ilenia Pierantoni, Graziano Marchesani

WP2: Integrated structural monitoring and simulations for advancing building safety and resilience

Alessandro Zona, Andrea Dall’Asta, Michele Morici, Valeria Leggieri

WP3: Sustainable design of smart furniture systems with life-saving function in conditions of emergency for community settings

Lucia Pietroni, Alessandro Zona, Carlo Vannicola, Federico Orfeo Oppedisano, Daniele Rossi, Jacopo Mascitti, Daniele Galloppo, Laura Gioiella, Ilaria Fabbri, Davide Paciotti, Alessandro di Stefano

For more information about the event, visit the link: