The Project

The University of Camerino partecipates in the Marche-Umbria-Abruzzo Ecosystems of Innovation project – VITALITY “Innovation, digitalization and sustainability for the diffused economy in Central Italy”, in which it is the leader of the SPOKE 6 “Innovation and safety of living environments in the digital transition era”. VITALITY is one of the 11 territorial ecosystems selected by the MUR, Ministry of University and Research, as part of the “Educational and Research” mission of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). There are 24 entities participating in the project ( 10 Universities, 4 Public Entities and other Public Entities, 10 Private Entities) organized according to a governance structure of the ” Hub and Spoke” type, and coordinated by the University of L’Aquila. The Hub carries out management and coordination activities , while the Spokes carry out research activities. The total funding granted is about 115,7 million euros.

Within the VITALITY project, SPOKE 6 focuses on four main topics: a) digital and green transition of indoor and outdoor living environments, b) building safety and resilience, c) smart furniture systems with life-saving function, d) innovative software tools for the digital transition of the living environments. The Main Goal is to address the issue of the transition of urban space towards sustainable models that highlight the well-being, health protection and safety of internal and external spaces, ensuring an integrated assessment of urban spaces that finds its interpretative design key in indoor-outdoor relationships.


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